Boys Make Excuses, Men Make Choices

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Boys make excuses, men make choices
Get me the Girl
When does a boy become a man?
When he reaches Puberty? 18 or even 21 years old? When he has his first pint? A boy becomes a man when he stops making excuses and begins making choices. Anyone who has children will know that boys are great at making excuses. Excuses throughout their early life that excuse them from failure. Lets be honest, no one wants to fail and what better way to avoid that feeling of failure than to blame someone, or something else. Some people even carry it through to later life. Some people will always make excuses. Excuses for their lives, their weight, their illnesses, their shortcomings, their financial situation and of course, their relationships. There are many books written about people who cannot take ‘responsibility’ for their outcomes in life. Some life gurus in the field of self development and change, write tirelessly about ‘owning up’, facing up’ to change and about taking responsibility (the ability to respond) for your life and its successes and failures. At Get me the Girl we are only interested in ‘facing up’ to our challenges in the world of relationships but the same rules apply. You will never move on with your life until to accept certain things that have happened in it and that will happen to it. Some people have never ‘accepted’ that there is a loving relationship out there for you and that you can have happiness in your life. Some people will not accept that it is perfectly ok to take charge of your weaknesses and work with others to improve your life. By accepting that 1000’s of men take advice on relationships and by taking the first step to owning your own outcome, you are quitting excuses and embracing change and making choices. If you are still making those excuses: its not cool, people will laugh, I could get a woman I just don’t want one, or all women are bitches, then you are making an excuse. In life, there is ’cause’ and ‘effect’. People can be placed simply into to either box. People who are the ’cause’ of everything in their life, take complete responsibility for everything that happens and take a proactive approach to life. People who are the ‘effect’ of everything in their life are always the victim of things that happen in their life. They always have reasons and excuses for things that happen, and almost sit back and take a ‘reactive’ outlook on life. Unfortunately, 99% of human beings are on the ‘effect’ side. You can change that today. BE A MAN and make a choice to change and get happy.
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Get me the Girl, the leading UK PUA training company coaching guys how to pick up, attract and seduce the women and girls of their dreams. Get me the Girl coaches men how to successfully attract and seduce women. Imagine now becoming a PUA master in attraction and seduction, and being able to get relationships with any woman or girl. That will be you. You can be the next Casanova.
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Boys make excuses, men make choices